Jira REST API - User search with accountType

Dear Community,

I’m trying to find users through GET /rest/api/3/user/search endpoint. My problem is, that it returns unrelevant users for me. I mean users with for example app accountType but i need only regular atlassian users with accountType=atlassian. I know that i can filter the response, but i think that’s not a good option for me. For example: When i want to implement a pageable user search with maxResults=50. It gives back 40 users with atlassian accountType and 10 other. That means i can give back to my frontend only 40 users, event though it wants to fetch 50 for the actual page…
Is there any good solution for my problem? Possibility to filter for accountType on the Jira API side?

Thanks for your advice!


I am looking for the same. What is the solution for this?

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Hey! Any solution for this?

@Atlassian-Staff sorry for the mention, but is there any solution for this? It looks like the question have been open for a long time?