Jira rest API v3 compatibilty

Is Jira rest API v3 compatible with Jira version 2.0?

Hello @SaiviChatterjee

There is no such product as ‘Jira version 2.0’.

There are two versions of Jira CLOUD’s REST API, version 2 and version 3.

API version is fine but I was asking id API v3 is compatible with the Jira tool version 2.0

Hello @SaiviChatterjee

It’s not clear what you mean by ‘Jira tool version 2.0’.

Can please provide a full explanation of what this ‘tool’ is, what it does and a link to the documentation for it.

Hey @SaiviChatterjee - JIRA 2.0 (server) was released over 10 years ago, so it’s been out of support for quite some time - which is why we’re a little confused what you mean. Our cloud products don’t really have anything corresponding to a version 2 - Jira Cloud is currently compatible with API v2 and V3.

Actually a client of ours is still using Jira version 2.0 and we have some APIs written in Jira rest API v3. So wanted to check the compatibility between the two. I didn’t find any relevant documentation or even downloadable software for the mentioned version.

You’re completely out of luck. Jira Server v2.0 hasn’t been supported for close to 15 years!! That version never had a REST API, only a SOAP and XML-RPC API. I don’t think it even had a JAVA API back then.

Jira Server didn’t get a REST API until v4.2, and that was more than a decade ago!!

Okay, sure. Thank you.