jiraIssueGlances module


I have noticed that “jiraIssueGlances” module appeared so I tried to create my first glance for new issue view in Jira.

Unfortunately installing the add-on in Jira fails with undescriptive error message:

An error occurred during installation. Contact the add-on vendor for support.

No error happens on my add-on side - I can only observe successful call to /atlassian-connect.json.
Therefore, there must something wrong happening when Jira tries to consume the descriptor, I think.

Can anybody spot what is wrong with the following code:

"jiraIssueGlances": [
				"key": "my-first-glance",
				"name": {
					"value": "My glance name"
				"target": {
					"type": "web_panel",
					"url": "/issue"
				"icon": {
					"width": 24,
					"height": 24,
					"url": "/my-icon.png"
				"content": {
					"type": "label",
					"label": {
						"value": "my glance content label"

The descriptor with jiraIssueGlances module in it passes the validation part (if there is something wrong with the syntax/schema then Jira displays different error message).

I can also add that the descriptor/installation works fine without the jiraIssueGlances.


Warning! This module is an Alpha Release for vendor preview only!

I think that only select vendors can use it at the moment. Since you’re interested I’ll try and see if we can get you opted in.

@rmassaioli, wouldn’t all people who registered to be part of the Alpha program have access?

@yvesriel, apparently not. I have registered and it looks like I don’t have an access.

@rmassaioli, thank you for the answer. It could be great if you can opt me in.


I was actually waiting to hear from the Alpha program. That’s unfortunate, they should let people who registered to have access or at least let them know that they will eventually be part of it.

Hey everyone! I can help out on this issue. I apologize for any confusion, but it seems you have stumbled across the developer.atlassian.com glance modules before we have actually ‘launched’ the Alpha program which will be happening sometime next week.

Specifically, this means we will be enabling the ecosystem support so that apps will be displayed on the new issue detail view for all instances that signed up via the Alpha Program.

I will be reaching out to everyone on the list who has signed up with details on the links to the documentation on developer.atlassian.com (we have some other pages coming soon such asdesign guidelines and examples to help understand how to use the new modules). I will also be posting a message here on the community developer forums letting you know the Alpha program is ‘live’.

My apologies for displaying the new modules without clear instruction as to what the expectations are.

Let me know if you have any other questions, otherwise be on the look out for the announcement sometime next week.


Thank you for the explanation @tpechacek.

We are looking forward to the announcement next week.


Hi @tpechacek,
As a vendor, I’ve been contacted from some customers who have the new jira issue view enabled for them on their instances on the full issue page. They contacted me because my addon is not showing up in that view (which is expected).

However, I can’t use the jiraIssueGlances module on my developer instance. When I try to install an app descirptor with that module, it rejects the install stating that I need to sign up for the alpha release.

So, my question is… how do I accomplish to upgrade my addons without interrupting service to my customers?

On one hand, I signed up for the alpha… but I doubt my customers signed up with their production environments in order to get the new issue view in full page.
On the other hand, if I update my app descirptor with the glance, new trial installs from new customer will fail.

Given that the production rollout of the new jira issue view is going on… how do we vendors manage to keep providing services during this transition?

What are the steps, gotchas, things we need to look after to do this?


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@martin.peverelli Hey, thanks for posting this question!

I’ve been contacted from some customers who have the new jira issue view enabled for them on their instances on the full issue page. They contacted me because my addon is not showing up in that view (which is expected).

For this, we did recently rollout to a very very small % of customers on this full page. We still limit our rollout to customers who do not have any marketplace apps installed, but a few did get through. That is what you are seeing. Users can easily opt out of the new experience either in the … in the top right of the new issue view or on their user profile page.

So, my question is… how do I accomplish to upgrade my addons without interrupting service to my customers?

You can now update your descriptor with the new module (issue content + issue glance) and it will not fail anymore. Please do not remove your existing webPanels + locations as you will need to keep that because the old issue view still appears in some locations. You just need to add the new modules, and we will handle showing either/or depending on what the user is viewing.

Lastly, we are very close to rolling out ecosystem support for all existing customers who have the new issue experience, as I mentioned above, some of them do have marketplace apps and the new issue experience, so we want to address their needs first.

We have a public announcement coming out in the next day or two with all of these details.

Let me know if you have any further questions on this that I can help clarify further. We are doing are best to make this transition as seamless as possible for our marketplace partners and our Jira users.