Jira's /rest/api/3/field/search, response should contain "nextPage" but doesn't

According to docu, the response of /rest/api/3/field/search should contain nextPage:

nextPage string
If there is another page of results, the URL of the next page.
Format: uri

But in practice it doesn’t. I tested with 3 different Jiras, and in none of them nextPage is there. In fact, the responses look like this:

  "maxResults": 50,
  "startAt": 0,
  "total": 308,
  "isLast": false,
  "values": [ ... ]

This is a problem for us in our app, because we rely on nextPage as documented. If it’s not there, then our app thinks that there are no more pages and stops fetching them. That’s bad; we miss all customfields besides the first 50 (default/max page-size).

@Atlassian, are we using this REST API in a wrong way? Or is the docu outdated and we shouldn’t rely on nextPage and use startAt instead to manually build the next page-URL? Please either correc the docu, or add nextPage back to this REST-API.


Hm, not getting any response here. Let’s see who I can tag… @ibuchanan, maybe you can help and route this to someone who might help here? Would be much appreciated.


Seems like a straight-forward bug. Can you report it to developer support?

Ok, I created ECOHELP-53726. Thanks.

And Atlassian was able to reproduce, and created public bug-ticket https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRACLOUD-85546 for this. For anyone reading this and also being affected: Please vote on that ticket.