JQL: "Epic Link" doesn't work in next-gen projects

As the title says - I can create an epic and assign issues to it on a board but when I try to get epic’s issues via JQL I get empty result, both in UI and REST API.

Another REST endpoint for getting issues of an epic, /rest/agile/1.0/epic/{epicIdOrKey}/issue, returns an error stating that the epic doesn’t exist or I don’t have permission to see it.

Interestingly, when I examined an issue assigned to the epic I found a custom field with the content as in the attached screenshot. Does it mean that without Portfolio there is currently no way to get issues of an epic in next-gen projects?


In next-gen projects, the JQL you need to use is:


The “Epic Link” now only works on classic projects.



also doesn’t work in next-gen. We will update the docs to reflect this as soon as possible, instead using the search endpoint with the parent JQL mentioned above will do the trick.


Thanks for the answer, it works like a charm.

Thanks a lot, I was going nuts trying “Epic Link”!!!