JQL query issue for updated comments

For some reason if we after comment update will get the issue update time as a string in response that we will get by sending a REST request using Postman and get issue update time and convert it to millis e.g. with a console in Chrome dev tool using Date.parse function and then find issues using JQL query updated = <issue update time in millis from REST request response> we will have 0 results i.e. issue will not be found but with JQL updated > <issue update time in millis from REST request response> our issue will be found but if we will do other actions e.g. description/summary update or comment adding then if we will do the same steps as proved above then for updated = <issue update time in millis from REST request response> our updated issue will be found and by updated > <issue update time in millis from REST request response> JQL it will not be found.
For an even better understanding please watch this video https://monosnap.com/file/RCBkdAX28wDYWn6WxkyrfrKSiiYqVU.

And this is how it works for summary and description https://monosnap.com/file/33Y02KMGUehFOkSjeaxxs5cv9YQ8HB i.e. it is similar to comment adding.

Why does this happen? Is it some Jira cloud bug or is this expected behavior? And are there any workarounds to have the same behavior for comment update as for summary/description update or comment adding?

Also please note that after a comment update issue update time also changes.
I.e. it looks like JQL uses some different “updated” value than we have in the “updated” field in a response related to a “get issue” REST request.

Maybe the problem is because reindexing is needed but this option was deprecated see https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-Software-questions/Re-Can-t-re-index-Jira-Cloud/qaq-p/624945/comment-id/206575#M206575 and users and admins don’t have access to reindexing see Solved: Re-indexing in cloud. What should we do to fix this problem? And what is the real root cause and solutions or workaround how to deal with this problem?