JSM Condition for web panel based on issue type - Mapping?

Exploring Jira Service Management, and starting to see how big a lift it is to extend it for policies and procedures unique to our org. I’m looking to add a GUI element to all “Change” tickets, and looking at the documentation for conditions, I’m a bit confused. I wrote:

"key": "my-web-panel",
                    "condition": "entity_property_equal_to",
                        "entity": "issuetype",
                        "propertyKey": "Name",
                        "value": "[System] Change",
                        "objectName": "Name"

But it’s largely guesswork. Where do I go to inspect the actual details so I know I’m mapping things correctly?

I’m referencing: https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/connect-conditions/#required-parameters

Found jira_expressions, they seem a bit simpler:

"conditions": [
                        "condition": "jira_expression",
                        "params": {
                            "expression":"['[System] Change'].includes(issue.issueType.name)"
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