Keep getting error when assigning path to ngrok yaml file

Every time I run forge settings set ngrok-config-path <file>, I get the following error: Error: ’settings set ngrok-config-path’ is not a Forge command. Even if I run forge settings first and then set ngrok-config-path <file> It seems to run, but then when I check by running forge settings list it shows that no path has been set. If I try just running forge settings set ngrok-config-path it gives the error Error: missing required argument 'boolean|string' , so I don’t understand why it gives another error when I run the command correctly with the filepath.

Hi @AnubhavNigam,

Check the path you are passing to this command. If it contains whitespaces you need to wrap the path with quotes.
forge settings set ngrok-config-path /path/to/your file/with whitespaces
convert to
forge settings set ngrok-config-path "/path/to/your file/with whitespaces"