Less than 30 days until Stride and Hipchat Cloud are discontinued

In case you missed our recent blog post, we want to make sure you’re ready for Stride and Hipchat Cloud’s upcoming depreciation on February 15, 2019.

All Stride and Hipchat Cloud APIs, developer support, and Marketplace support tickets will remain available through Feb 15, 2019; Stride and Hipchat Cloud services will shut down after this date.

Marketplace listings

If you offer a Stride or Hipchat Cloud app through the Atlassian Marketplace you have until Feb 14, 2019 to set your listing to archived. On February 15, 2019, Atlassian will remove Stride and Hipchat Cloud filters on the homepage and begin deleting app listings with integrations to these products.

Hipchat Server and Hipchat Data Center apps will remain listed through the product end of life. However, we will no longer accept any new Hipchat Server or Hipchat Data Center apps on the Atlassian Marketplace.

Please read the blog post for more details on exporting data, and Hipchat Server and Hipchat Data Center version support dates.