Link to webaction not working


I developed a small plugin (with sdk version 8), a web section and an item, after unpacking the plugin the link to my action (CreateIssueAction.jspa) does not work, but when I use an http link works correctly, any help please,

<web-item name="Second item" i18n-name-key="" key="seconditem" section="my-item-link/my-section" weight="1000"> 
    <description key="seconditem.description">The Second item Plugin</description>  
    <label key="seconditem.label"/>  
    <link linkId="seconditem-link" absolute="false">/secure/CreateIssueAction.jspa</link> 
  <webwork1 key="create-issue" name="CreateIssue" i18n-name-key=""> 
    <description key="create-issue.description">The CreateIssue Plugin</description>  
      <action name="com.atlassian.tutorial.jira.webwork.CreateIssueAction" alias="CreateIssueAction"> 
        <view name="success">/templates/create-issue/success.vm</view>  

What exactly do you mean by “does not work”? Does it hit a different action? I believe CreateIssueAction is an existing alias. I would try using a more unique name

i got 404 error page not found

Problem resolved , i deleted the fellowing import in .java action

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;