I started seeing stage 1 on app access screen
After this when I try to migrate, it is not going in below method
public class MigrationListener implements CloudMigrationListenerV1
public void onStartAppMigration(String transferId, MigrationDetailsV1 migrationDetails) {
//code here
I have tried migration multiple times for my testing purpose by enabling dark feature for development
My Questions:
The “onStartAppMigration” was working correctly and it stopped getting called, what may be the reason?
If i run migration again, I can see “migration complete” status and “App data migration in progress”, but in Cloud i only get event with webhookEventType=‘LISTENER_TRIGGERED’ and not getting “APP_DATA_UPLOADED”.
How to update the app migration status for older migrations, if migration still in progress? I tried to call
curl -u admin:admin -X GET "http://localhost:2990/jira/rest/migration/latest/app-migration/rerun/0170e5ed-c98a-4305-b01f-859b49ec2605"
But was not able to rerun the migration! How can i update the status for these old migrations?