Macro Configuration for a Custom UI after the Release of the new UI Kit


Up until now, there was a way to add some configuration for a macro even if the macro used a custom UI, see for example Macros for forge custom UI . This is no longer possible with the release of UI Kit as of today. For the time being, we are stuck with using UI Kit 1, and it works, but I am wary that there might a drop of support from Atlassian soonish without an alternative.

As I couldn’t find it anywhere - what are the plans and ways forward regarding this issue? Will it be possible to call Custom UI from the UI Kit soon? Or have a custom UI for macro configuration? Is there any time frame or expectations that we can have? Or ist there any alternative solution I have not come across so far?



Hi Eckhard,

Our team are currently working on Macro configuration for UI Kit version 2. We will share an update about that soon.

James Dumay
Group Product Manager, Forge


We’re also looking for a solution there… The current macro experience with UI Kit 2 isn’t great: the macro preview remounts every time you change something in the configuration and it creates some sort of “flickering”. Also, the configuration handling itself is quite limited (just a few inputs are allowed and it doesn’t allow any kind of “dynamic” forms, e.g. a cascading select or disabling fields or loading data asynchronously). I hope the update considers such limitations @JamesDumay :slight_smile:


I think you just release a version, see . We still need to try it out.
