Marketplace license details

I am trying to retrieve license details for our paid application currently listed in the marketplace. According to the documentation, we should be able to access various details such as the subscription end date. However, I am not seeing this information.

I am using Forge Custom UI and the view.getContext method to log the information. Here is the data being fetched currently:

  localId: 'ari:cloud:ecosystem::extension/802c3dcf-04b7-480f-a75e/-c217-4502-8426-d7f76f3dda7f/static/glance',
  cloudId: '935f7443-f89d-4538-b84e-0a346c1f83db',
  environmentId: '-c217-4502-8426-d7f76f3dda7f',
  environmentType: 'PRODUCTION',
  moduleKey: 'glance',
  siteUrl: '',
  extension: {
    issue: { key: 'CTP-3', id: '12973', type: 'Story', typeId: '10009' },
    project: { id: '10023', key: 'CTP', type: 'software' },
    type: 'jira:issueGlance'
  accountId: '62fc8ddf43a29c47',
  license: {
    active: true,
    type: 'commercial',
    supportEntitlementNumber: null,
    trialEndDate: null,
    subscriptionEndDate: null,
    isEvaluation: false,
    billingPeriod: null,
    ccpEntitlementId: '',
    ccpEntitlementSlug: ''
  timezone: 'Asia/Colombo',
  locale: 'en_US',
  theme: {
    dark: 'dark',
    light: 'light',
    spacing: 'spacing',
    colorMode: 'light'
  surfaceColor: '#FFFFFF'

The isEvaluation field is set to false, even though the instance is installed for a trial period. I assume that subscription and other details might only appear once the application is purchased, but I am still concerned as the trial information is also not displaying correctly.

Could you please help clarify if this behavior is expected or if there might be an issue with how license details are being retrieved?

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