Marketplace review, how does it work?

Disclaimer: I don’t have any paid app on the marketplace yet, so I can’t post in the Marketplace section of this forum.

My question is about the review. It seems to take a very long time to get your app published. In my case, after each answer I give, there is a 2-3 days delay before the next message from Atlassian. Sometimes it’s my fault (bugs that don’t happen on my Jira sites but just appear on the more complex Atlassian Jira test site), sometimes it’s a bug from Atlassian (like a ‘bug’ that is also present in the Hello World Jira app), and sometime it’s just a question I ask (I won’t do it again, I lost 3 days to get information about One Atlassian that anyway I can’t get until I have a paid app published).

Anyway, it takes time, I understand there must be dozens of apps waiting for approval, but in the meantime I don’t get paid by my client :scream: . I try to stay convinced that I did the good choice to start developing apps for Jira this January, but I am not so sure anymore.

I wonder if there is a review each time I will publish an update. And will it be 1 month delay each time? Review after major versions or also minor versions? What advice would you give to ease the review process? And what is your strategy during the waiting period: improving the same app or working on another? In 1 month work you can imagine that my app changed a lot since the approval started.

Thank you for your feedback.

@BertrandDrouhard1 There will probably be no reviews after the first one is successful.

Answer the exact question you are given each time, and no more, then wait for approval. It can take a while in the build up to the TEAM conference, but sometimes its much quicker.

For subsequent apps you could possibly create an MVP app and submit that for approval, then work on additional feature for subsequent release after approval.


Yeah get used to spending a very significant amount of your time waiting for support, filling out forms, going through endless box ticking exercises, fixing unannounced breaking changes, informing internal teams of breaking conflicts between their various plans (RFCs will raise your blood pressure), fixing your apps to integrate those conflicts as best you can when they inevitably deploy them anyway, and being forced to migrate each time an endpoint or package is incremented by a single version.

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