Hi Team,
I would love to fill out this survey and help your “continuous efforts to fine-tune our programs, offerings, etc. to vendors”, and I used to do this with most surveys Atlassian has sent me in the past.
However, as already partially argued for the Atlas Camp 2018 feedback survey, you have unfortunately switched to this dreadful ‘no navigating back’ survey style, which makes it impossible to give correct and consistent answers, and also fosters confirmation bias.
Page 2 (of seemingly ~10-12) in this particular survey already excels in these problems with open-ended fuzzy, contradictory, and overlapping questions (you want to know what’s “frustrating”, “unappealing”, “best liked”, and which “services or features” I miss, all in only two free-flow text fields) - answering these qualitative questions would at best make sense when I have the chance to adjust/refocus them in case I encounter overlapping and/or conflicting ones on later pages, which happens all the time (that’s also why qualitative questions usually at least come after quantitative ones btw.).
Esp. given Atlassian is known to be significantly data driven, I simply do not want to submit false or misleading information, just because I may not have understood the scope and/or context of any particular question right away, or even just hit ‘next’ prematurely for that matter.
As is, I am unable to provide the meaningful and thoughtful feedback you claim to be interested in - please reconsider how you conduct these surveys going forward!
Many thanks,
Tracking the progression within a survey like this also seems to violate the GDPR (at least in spirit), because the user expectation is that you only receive my answers after I actually ‘submit’ the survey. Nowhere on my path from your invitation towards the second page have I been informed that the survey platform seems to track my every move, not to speak about being unable to adjust or delete my answers once I navigated to the next page (I admittedly do not know how the platform works, but that’s kind of the point regarding a transparent choice about data privacy, which is not the case here).