MentionFinder - Unable to find @Mention inside task-macro

Hey there,

Im trying to find all @Mentions of a Page to figure out who actually is mentioned on the current page. Im using the MentionFinder Component from the confluence-mentions-plugin:

<ac:task-body><span class="placeholder-inline-tasks"> <ac:link><ri:user ri:userkey="ff8080816c70fe3b016c710049830000" /></ac:link> Test1</span></ac:task-body>
<ac:task-body><span class="placeholder-inline-tasks"><ac:link><ri:user ri:userkey="ff8080816c70fe3b016c85c4aab60002" /></ac:link>&nbsp;Test2!</span></ac:task-body>

The Usermentions on the page are inside a task-macro and therefore the MentionFinder won’t return anything when calling the function above. If I mention a User directly on the page, the MentionFinder will find this mention and returns it…Is this actually a bug or why is the Finder not able to find the mentions inside another macro?
