Metadata Changes not Reflected in API


I have removed a field in one of my issue types. I would expect that it would be reflected using the API endpoint for Get create field metadata for a project and issue type id

The field type continues to linger in the API for many hours though. Is this the expected result? Or is there another endpoint that I can use to fetch the metadata that updates in realtime?

Here’s an example:

  • I have removed the field required Component from the issue type of Bug.
  • I use the aforementioned API endpoint, but the Component field is still present
  • The issue I’m having is when I go to Create and Issue , the Component field is still listed as required even though in the UI, it no longer is.

Thanks so much for the support on this one,

Hello @JustinZ

I cannot replicate the problem you have described.

If I use the GUI to put a particular field on the Create screen of a particular Issue type in a particular Project, I can see it on the screen when I try to create one of those Issues. If I then use the Get create field metadata for a project and issue type id endpoint to lookup the fields on the Create screen of that Issue type in that Project, that field is returned in the response.

If I then remove that field from that Issue type’s Create screen (using either the GUI or the REST API) then I re-query that same Issue type via the Get create field metadata for a project and issue type id endpoint, exactly the same as before, that field is not returned in the response.

I don’t experience the ‘many hour’ lag in the data updating that you have described. Also, I’ve not heard anyone else report such a lag / delay in the response data of that endpoint on this forum or the public Community Forum.

Double check your work and, if you can prove there is a definite lag in the data being returned by that endpoint for your Jira Cloud instance, I suggest you open a support case with Atlassian.