Method not found RestSharp - C#

We have an existing project that uses Jira SKD to get card info from Jira board and it has been developed by another developer. Recently we faced an exception while working with it as follows:

Method not found: 'Void RestSharp.Parameter…ctor(System.String, System.Object, RestSharp.ParameterType

Here’s the code snippet where we encounter it:

public async Task<IEnumerable<JiraIssue>> GetAll()
    var issues = new List<JiraIssue>();

    await ForEachIssue(_jiraClient, (issue) =>
        issues.Add(new JiraIssue
           IssueId = issue.Key.Value,
           Summary = issue.Summary,
           ReQLogicProject = issue.CustomFields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == ReqLogicProjectKey)?.Values.FirstOrDefault(),
           ReQLogicCostCategory = issue.CustomFields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == ReqLogicCostCategoryKey)?.Values.FirstOrDefault(),
           Rank = issue.CustomFields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == RankKey)?.Values.FirstOrDefault(),
           Status = issue.Status?.Name

    return issues.OrderBy(x => x.Rank);

private static async Task ForEachIssue(Jira jira, Action<Issue> action)
    const int itemsPerPage = 100;
    var startAt = 0;

    while (true)
        //This is where we get the exception, in the **GetIssuesFromJqlAsync** method
        var result = await jira.Issues.GetIssuesFromJqlAsync($"(project = EXP or project = DBD) and issuetype in(Bug,Story,Task) and status in (\"To Do\", \"In Progress\", \"Done\", \"DB Dev Progress\") and sprint in openSprints() ORDER BY RANK", itemsPerPage, startAt);

        if (!result.Any())

        foreach (var issue in result)

        startAt += itemsPerPage;

We aren’t sure what to do in this regard, shall we reinstall or what specific version required to be used, no idea at the moment. It worked previously and suddenly get the exception. Is there any specific solution to this that we can resolve the issue?

N.B: We use RestSharp version 106.15.0 and Atlassian SDK version 12.4.0 with .NET 5.0 and C#.

Update: I upgraded the Atlassian SDK from 12.4.0 to 13.0.0, seems like the previous error doesn’t exist anymore.

But now getting this - { "error": "Response Status Code: 400. Response Content: {\"errorMessages\":[\"The value 'EXP' does not exist for the field 'project'.\",\"The value 'DBD' does not exist for the field 'project'.\",\"Field 'issuetype' does not exist or this field cannot be viewed by anonymous users.\",\"Field 'sprint' does not exist or this field cannot be viewed by anonymous users.\",\"Not able to sort using field 'RANK'.\"],\"warningMessages\":[]}" }.

Does it mean or require any permission setup in Jira for me or something similar, I am not sure? Any suggestion would be much appreciated.

Welcome to the Atlassian developer community @AmitKantiBarua,

The short answer is that SDK is not maintained by Atlassian and has not kept up with changes in the Jira Cloud REST API.

For more information, and some suggestions about other options see: