Minor issues with uninstalling my forge app

Hi everyone,

This is a minor issue, but I was wondering if I can uninstall a forge app from my Jira Cloud development instance, instead of having to run the forge uninstall command, as I forgot to do so before deleting my hello-world app project from my computer.

As documented, I’m not able to delete the app from the developer console while it’s still installed. But since I don’t have the project files anymore, that seems somewhat tricky. Also, it doesn’t seem like I’m able to find/uninstall the app from within Jira. Maybe I’m missing something very obvious?

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any hints in the documentation.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!


Can you go to /admin => “Connected apps” and uninstall it from there?

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Hi Robert!

Thanks a ton; That did the trick. :slight_smile:

I think I expected it to be located under Jira Settings > AddOns and did not look hard enough.


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