Missing alias in AP.context.getContext() and V.2 get space API

Hi Atlassian,

In the announcement, you mentioned that AP.context.getContext() would be returning a new field under confluencespacealias.

I am working in a renamed space in a site enrolled in the EAP, but I do not see this field. When is this expected to be available?

According to the announcement, the V.2 get spaces API (/wiki/api/v2/spaces?keys=mykey) is also supposed to return a new alias field, but I do not see this either. Same question as above.

Also, are there further thoughts you can share on when this feature will be made available to customers (as either EAP or GA)?


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Did this get sorted?

I’ve got a customer support issue atm where AP.context.getContext() is only returning {url: {...}} :sweat_smile:

@JimStraus ?

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Any news on this? (Even a FRGE ticket for Atlassian adknowledgement on this issue?)

AP.context.getContext() for us contains extension.space, but only the space key and id are provided - no space alias :frowning: