Hi there!
I’m wondering if I have any way to know who is author of changes which I handle as any of SprintCreatedEvent, SprintStartedEvent and others SprintEvent (provided by GreenHopper API).
Thanks in advance for any thoughts about workaround for this problem!
Hey, unfortunately SprintEvent
doesn’t contain the author of the change, you can get the history of those changes with: SprintManager#getSprintStateAuditLog(Sprint sprint)
I’m not sure whether there’s a “clean” way to get it, I just jotted down this code to check that it works:
var sprintService = ComponentAccessor.getOSGiComponentInstanceOfType(SprintService.class);
var mySprint = sprintService.sprintManager.getAllSprints().getValue().get(2);
Thanks for answering, PaoloCampanelli. Sadly, it’s for the state field only. I have left a suggestion to include author and timestamp into SprintEvent in their Jira.
BTW, you may vote for it and let’s see that’ll happen → https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JSWSERVER-25367.