I have clone this repo and tried adding Modal Extension in Pull Request Overview page but it is not working. Modal is not visible on the right side whereas ButtonExtension is working.
Below is the code
import { ModalExtension } from '@atlassian/clientside-extensions';
* @clientside-extension
* @extension-point bitbucket.ui.pullrequest.overview.summary
export default ModalExtension.factory((pluginApi, context) => {
// A glyph name from '@atlaskit/icon/glyph/jira/labs';
// Check the AK docs for more icons https://atlaskit.atlassian.com/packages/core/icon
const iconAfter = 'jira/labs';
return {
hidden: false,
label: 'My diff toolbar extension',
onAction: modalApi => {
modalApi.onMount(container => {
modalApi.setTitle('My diff toolbar extension!');
text: 'Close',
onClick: () => {
container.innerHTML = `
<h3>Hello there!</h3>
<p>Here is the context</p>
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap; word-break: break-all;">
${JSON.stringify(context, null, ' ')}