MUAO Changes to Default Environments, Notifications, Dev Console & More

Hi all,

We are excited to announce the next update for the Multi-User App Ownership EAP.

This week, we have continued to enhance the development environment functionality by introducing default environments and addressing some of the security concerns raised in your feedback.

Thank you for all of your testing and feedback.
We look forward to your responses so that we can continue to build better experiences together.

Restricting sensitive app permissions to the app owner

  • Currently, all contributors to an app have almost the same permissions and abilities as each other. With this new feature, we’re now restricting app deletion and the addition and removal of contributors to just the app owner.

Default app environments

  • Currently, when using custom environments, you need to specify the environment using a -e flag for the deploy, install, and tunnel commands.
  • We have added new functionality to set a default environment that will be automatically applied to the deploy, install, and tunnel commands without using the -e flag. This is set locally per contributor allowing contributors to have different default environments.

Managing Contributors in dev console

  • We have added a new tab to the new Contributors page in the developer console.
  • The list tab will enable the app owner to easily add and remove contributors to their app, while also enabling any contributor to view the list of contributors on the app.
  • Note: if a user has opted to hide their email, ‘Not visible’ will be displayed instead.
  • Information on managing contributors can be found Here

Email notifications

  • We have now added email notifications to the adding/removing contributors flow. When a user is added or removed from an app, an email notification will be sent to their Atlassian address.

Admin Hub

  • We now include additional information on admin hub about which environment your apps are running off. This is now available on the connected apps page, as well as the details page for the app.

Coming soon

  • Transferring app ownership
    • Currently, the only way to transfer the ownership of a Forge app is by submitting a ticket and waiting for the Marketplace support team to action the request. With this new feature, app owners can now instantly transfer the ownership of an app to another contributor.
    • Changes in app ownership will be rendered as rows under the ‘Activity’ tab. This lets you see each time a change of ownership took place and who initiated it.
  • Viewing deployment audit logs
    • The ‘Deployments’ tab displays each of the deployment events across all environments, whether successful or not.
    • Each audit log is rendered as a single row, where you can see the corresponding timestamp, the user deploying a new version, the environment to which the deployment was made, and the deployment status.
  • Filtering metrics and logs by each dev environment
    • Currently, you can filter metrics and logs by development, staging, and production environments. Soon, however, you’ll be able to filter by each of the dev environments created.
  • Small bug fixes