Need help with insight LDAP import

We have created LDAP import on Insight and on LDAP the manager attribute stores data in the following format CN=fullname,CN=Users,DC=test,DC=mydomain,DC=com or CN=lastname, firstname,CN=Users,DC=test,DC=mydomain,DC=com.

And for the format CN=fullname,CN=Users,DC=test,DC=mydomain,DC=com we were able to set regex during the import and get the data but for the users with format CN=lastname, firstname,CN=Users,DC=test,DC=mydomain,DC=com we are unable to import it as the name has to be formatted into firstname lastname.

Can anyone please help to import the data from the both formats with a single regex

:wave: Given the nature of this question, I think it may be better suited for the greater Atlassian community as there are likely many more folks over there who have experience in this part of the product. For instance, I see somewhat similar questions with answers here: Solved: Insight - Asset Management LDAP import

I’d recommend give your question an ask here, instead: Questions and answers around Jira Service Management