Network error: Response not successful: Received status code 413


I am getting this

Network error: Response not successful: Received status code 413

Any idea how to debug? I understand this means response too large. But what is the exact limit?

By looknig in Quotas & Limits I can see:

Payload size 200kb Maximum combined payload size of events in single request

Is this the limit that’s being breached in my case?
Is it possible to increase this limit?

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Hi @VladimirVirlan ,

We export error classes for all the types of error that queue API could throw. Please see for details on the error. We can use to know the exact that we are getting.

In case, it is PayloadTooBigError error, we do have limit a 200KB on the combined payload sent in single request. We can resolve this by breaking the queue.push call into multiple calls so that each sends payload less than 200kb. For example,

await Promise.all( [ payloads ].map( async (payload) => await queue.push(payload) ) );

cheers :slight_smile:

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Thank you @amathur . So I need to surround my calls external APIs. Thank you.

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