Wondering if anyone has figured out the new “Design Tokens” theming system yet that we are supposed to be moring our powerups to. I keep seeing the notifications about needing to make the change (https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/trello/power-ups/color-theme-compliance/using-atlassian-design-tokens/#how-do-i-get-the-value-of-a-token-in-javascript-) But for the life of me, can’t get it to work. I have traditionally used the utility TrelloPowerUp.util.colors.getHexString() to get colors for things like lables (in Hex). I have tried both of the new functions: t.getColorToken() and t.getComputedColorToken(). getColorToken looks to return the correct css variable needed (per the atlassian design docks). But when I use getComputedColorToken with the same parameters, it returns nothing. I know there is a fallback built in but not wanting to use this if it doesn’t work in the first place. My example calls are below. Am I missing something here? Anyone got it figured out?
)); //returns var(--ds-background-accent-green-subtler)
)); // returns nothing