Hi @BenRomberg,
Getting notified of new incidents on JSM works differently than CDAC. Here is a couple of options to keep yourself updated with the new incidents:
1. Filter Subscription
You can subscribe to the filter to receive email notifications for new incidents. We understand that this subscription doesn’t provide instant notification to new incidents, but you can configure the subscription to send updates every X minutes if the daily interval doesn’t work for you. Just be sure that the option “Email this filter, even if there are no issues found” is unchecked so your inbox doesn’t get flooded with updates when no incidents are found.
2. JSM Issue Creation Notification
Alternatively, we adjusted the notification scheme to send out “Issue created” notifications for all public incidents to Service Desk Customers. The only downside to this solution is that we need to add the users separately to the Service Desk Customers role on a case-by-case basis.
We recommend using the first option - Filter Subscription as it offers a more flexible way to get notified for newly created incidents.