New Developer and Marketplace Support Page and Service Desk

Hi everyone!

We’re glad to announce that we’ve just launched a new Developer and Marketplace support page and a brand new consolidated support service desk with the project key “ECOHELP”. The landing page is linked to the new service desk and serves as a centralized hub for reporting issues, managing your app and getting support. Our intention is to streamline your experience getting in contact with the right team at Atlassian at the right time.

Below are the support categories on the new Developer and Marketplace service desk:

  • Bugs: Report development or Marketplace bugs
  • Incidents: Report critical issues or breaking changes
  • App listing: Edit your app or, access Marketplace APIs
  • Accounts and payment: Manage your Marketplace payments and licenses
  • App migration: Get help with creating a Cloud version of your app
  • Security programs: Apply or adjust your program details
  • Partner resources: Request access to exclusive partner content
  • Ukraine support: Request emergency concessions or ask questions

Make sure to check out and bookmark the refreshed Support landing page for navigating all your Atlassian support channels.

What is changing?

We are closing the old service desks for Developer Support (DEVHELP) and Marketplace Support (AMKTHELP) for new ticket submissions and will continue assisting you in the new service desk for Developer and Marketplace Support (ECOHELP).

In addition to the request types we moved from the old service desks, we are introducing three new request types for critical incident reporting:

  • Report Product/API Incident
  • Report a Marketplace Incident
  • Report a Security Incident

Please visit this link to learn more about critical incident reporting in Developer and Marketplace support.


The way we initially designed the critical incident reporting is that you’d be able to select the Visibility field to make submissions private or public. Private would create a standard ticket accessible to the reporter and Atlassian. Public one would be available to all users who have access to site.

Based on feedback received as well as an identified issue related to how public tickets were originally implemented, we’ve now now updated the process specifically for submitting public incident tickets. That also satisfies an additional requirement to have both private and public incident tickets available when selecting an option to share the incident publicly. With this approach, ticket reporters can choose what information they want to share with everyone or Atlassian staff only.

This is how it works now:

  • Once a public incident ticket is created in the new service desk, it automatically forks your ticket into two: private ticket and a public ticket
  • You’ll get the link to your public ticket in the ticket comments to the private one
  • From that moment, you can pick what further information you’d like to share in a private vs public incident ticket details
  • Other partners and developers will only have access to the public ticket you submitted and can contribute by sharing more details if the issue is present on their side. All open critical incident tickets can be found here.

What do I need to do?

Start using the new service desk and support landing page for all new Developer and Marketplace issues immediately.

Your old ticket history will still be accessible via the links you’ve received when submitting them. Any new and open tickets you’ve recently submitted in DEVHELP or AMKTHELP that haven’t been resolved yet were migrated to the new service desk for further processing. You can access those tickets by clicking the links you got in the email confirmations.

The new request types for critical incident reporting should be used for incidents only. Any non-incident submissions in these request types will be moved to the respective request types and processed with lower urgency.


The migration didn’t work well, it seems. I had filed a Marketplace bug in the old system, but now when I try to view it, I get

I cannot find it elsewhere either. Looks like my ticket has vanished in the haze.

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Hi @metin. We didn’t seem to have any major issues with migration - this is weird.
Please let me know if you see your ticket by following these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Click to log in at the top right corner of your screen
  3. Select My Requests (top right corner again)
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Yes, indeed, now I see it! I had tried the very same just before I posted my above comment, and then it didn’t work.

I thought it might be connected to not being logged on, so I logged off and tried “View request” again, but this works now, too.

Some kind of temporary hickup?

Most likely we were still migrating the tickets when you tried to access it for the first time.
I don’t think you will have any issues from now on, since the migration is over. Thanks!

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You might want to change the link here on the bottom of because it points to the old portal

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Also, I don’t seem to find Marketplace programs submissions sections, like submissions to be featured, staff picked etc?


thanks for pointing this out! I’ll fwd it to our team to update.

Hi @biro you can find app features in Partner resources. Programs that are related to security (such as bug bounty) can be found in Security programs.

@Andrew_Golokha @ginak how can we easily watch for new public tickets created in ECOHELP?

I believe this is critical to get confirmation and more eyes on bigger incidents, also to help partners get notified that their app might not be working.

Hi @BenRomberg. Public incident tickets can be tracked here. I totally agree that there is a benefit of updating existing incident tickets (when available) with additional details, since it helps us to better understand the impact.

Hello @Andrew_Golokha, sorry for the misunderstanding. I have seen the Jira Filter and included it in my message above, however I don’t see a way to get notified (e.g. via Email or Slack) when a new ticket appears in the Filter.

Before, I was able to subscribe to the “Critical Incidents” category here on CDAC and was notified about all new public incidents reported by other partners (and I guess many other partners have done this as well). How can we do this going forward?

I already missed 2 public incidents and think it’s important that all partners can let themselves notify easily about new incidents among us partners.


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Hi @BenRomberg,

Getting notified of new incidents on JSM works differently than CDAC. Here is a couple of options to keep yourself updated with the new incidents:

1. Filter Subscription
You can subscribe to the filter to receive email notifications for new incidents. We understand that this subscription doesn’t provide instant notification to new incidents, but you can configure the subscription to send updates every X minutes if the daily interval doesn’t work for you. Just be sure that the option “Email this filter, even if there are no issues found” is unchecked so your inbox doesn’t get flooded with updates when no incidents are found.

2. JSM Issue Creation Notification
Alternatively, we adjusted the notification scheme to send out “Issue created” notifications for all public incidents to Service Desk Customers. The only downside to this solution is that we need to add the users separately to the Service Desk Customers role on a case-by-case basis.

We recommend using the first option - Filter Subscription as it offers a more flexible way to get notified for newly created incidents.



Hi @syong,

Thank you so much for your suggestions.

I didn’t know about the Jira filter subscriptions! That would work, however if I understood correctly it would send email notifications every X minutes while there are any issues visible. As the filter is probably empty most of the times, it would hopefully not be too annoying when configuring an interval of e.g. 15 minutes or 1 hour.

The second suggestion works well and already helped me get notified about an incident yesterday that we were also affected by - thanks!

Is there a way for my colleagues and other partners to sign up for the “Service Desk Customers” role? Or are they automatically signed up as a Marketplace partner?

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Hey @BenRomberg,

Try searching for “project = ecohelppub AND created >= -1h”, and subscribe with an hourly frequency. That seems to work for me.



Hello @Andrew_Golokha , can you tell me where can I apply for the staff pick for some of our apps? Thanks

Now that these support channels have been streamlined, to help manage expectations, what is the expected response time on ECOHELP?

Hi @IlonaMaras, the relevant request type is available here. Hope it helps!

Great question, @james.dellow! We are working to revamp and summarize it and will share the news in a separate announcement.

In the meantime, we are sticking to the old set of SLO’s and more aggressive response times for incident submissions.

@Andrew_Golokha I’m not really interested in the SLOs but improvement of the actual response and resolution times overall. E.g. I logged an issue on the 2nd September and first response was 7 days later. I have another unresolved issue from the 4th August and can’t get any response.