New Policy for Vendors using Atlassian Marks in Google AdWords

In January 2014, we announced an AdWords Trademark Policy which included the ability to whitelist approved Atlassian partners and Marketplace vendors to use our trademarks in their ad copy. We did this to give vendors the ability to market their products and services with the most relevant ads.

Over the past few years, we’ve noticed that certain advertisers have leveraged this benefit by bidding on our trademark terms. Our advertising costs have risen on Atlassian Marks as a result of increased competition. Starting October 1st, 2018, we are asking Atlassian partners and Marketplace vendors to remove all Atlassian Trademark keywords from their Google AdWords campaigns as we do not want to be competing against our Atlassian partners and Marketplace vendors on such terms.

What’s in the new policy?

  • The list of Atlassian Trademarks
  • Explicit instructions for what match types Atlassian Marks need to be removed from and negative match setups that should be added to avoid being flagged for a violation to the new policy
  • Suggestions on allowable ways to use Atlassian Marks with additional descriptors in Google AdWords campaigns
  • Instructions to be added to the whitelist to use Atlassian Marks within Google ad copy
  • Ongoing review process and SLAs to correct violations if flagged.

Click here to review the new policy and what explicit actions need to be taken prior to October 1, 2018.

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