We ran into issues where our integration tests failed.
The cause is some JavaScript snippet, which doesn’t run on the ancient Chome ‘76.0.3809.100’ version shipped in via com.atlassian.browsers:atlassian-browsers-auto
The atlassian-browser-auto downloads the Browsers packaged to the com.atlassian.browsers:chrome:76.0.3809.100
dependencies. There is a newer 115.0.5790.171
version, but it seems incomplete with no Linux edition.
So, my questions are:
- Is this infrastructure still maintained and new browser versions will be shipped at some time?
- Or is there a way to override the browser to a local one? I didn’t see a obvious way to override the browser to a local installed one.
Update: Found a way to point to a ‘local’ browser. Like this: -Dwebdriver.browser=chrome:path=/path/to/browser/binary
. That is probably good enough for us. Found here: How to update selenium browser version? - #2 by viqueen