NgrokClientError: failed to start tunnel while running connect app

Unable to start Ngrok in development mode. It was working fine but now it’s not working.

using this documentation - Bitbucket
node version - v18.12.0
npm version - 8.19.2

Need some assistance with how to solve this.

ngrok on some port is working fine
ex - ngrok http 99999

as a workaround, try running ngrok in another terminal for your port 3000

ngrok http 3000

and use the forwarding https url

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  1. use the ngrok binary from node_modules to connect your account - ./node_modules/ngrok/bin/ngrok authtoken <YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN>
  2. run the app

details here

thanks, I tried the same

If anyone else is facing this error here is what I did.

  1. from the documentation I stopped using the credentials.json file by renaming this file or deleting this file.
  2. run npm start after step 1
  3. go to the new terminal and type ngrok HTTP 3000 (3000 is the port on which the code is running)
  4. copy the https://… and update baseUrl to the coped text (atlassian-connect.json file)
  5. use the copied URL to upload the app to manage the app section.
  6. if everything is setup fine the app will be installed

Thanks :blush: