"No matching validator for module type jira:command" Error When Using jira:command

Hi everyone,

I’m developing a Forge app for Jira and trying to use the jira:command module. However, as soon as I call invoke(), I get the following error:

My Manifest File:

    - key: test-command
      title: Test Dialog
      shortcut: i r
        resource: customui
        render: modal  # Using Custom UI, so I set it to modal.
      icon: arrow-right
        - test

  - key: customui
    path: customui/build
      port: 3000

Things I’ve Tried:

:white_check_mark: Checked if my CLI is up to date with forge --version.
:white_check_mark: Ran forge lint to validate the manifest (no errors).
:white_check_mark: Deployed with forge deploy and reinstalled with forge install --upgrade.
:white_check_mark: Ensured that the function I’m invoking is defined in the manifest.

Is there something I’m missing? Does jira:command require any additional configuration?

Thanks in advance!

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