I’m trying to sync custom fields definitions between boards with the Trello REST API. There’s no timestamp on the custom field definitions. So if there is a difference between the two boards (e.g. dropdown field options are not equal), I can’t tell which should be precedence.
To clarify, I’m just talking about the custom field definitions, not the custom field values on the cards.
Thanks, Bentley. I think that could be useful for other situations. But the current problem I’m trying to solve is that I’m syncing custom fields definitions between two boards. And if, for example, someone renames the field in Board A, when I go to sync I don’t know if Board A or Board B has the latest, greatest name for that field.
Hi Bentley, wanted to follow up here to see if you could think of any work arounds for my above example or if it would be possible to get this feature on the roadmap (feature of having update-time on the custom field value).