Not getting body data in get pages by id API

I’m using the Get page by id API to fetch bosy content of the page, But i’m not able to get the body. Everytime it’s returning an null object

below is the response getting through API hit
“parentType”: “page”,
“parentId”: “34255”,
“ownerId”: “60333c718ff0980071421841”,
“createdAt”: “2024-12-24T07:22:49.257Z”,
“authorId”: “60333c718ff0980071421841”,
“version”: {
“number”: 1,
“message”: “”,
“minorEdit”: false,
“authorId”: “60333c718ff0980071421841”,
“createdAt”: “2024-12-24T07:22:49.257Z”
“position”: 3236,
“spaceId”: “34129”,
“lastOwnerId”: null,
“body”: {},
“status”: “current”,
“title”: “TestAPICreate”,
“id”: “9535519”,
“_links”: {
“editui”: “/pages/resumedraft.action?draftId=9535519”,
“webui”: “/spaces/SD/pages/9535519/TestAPICreate”,
“edituiv2”: “/spaces/SD/pages/edit-v2/9535519”,
“tinyui”: “/x/H4CR”,
“base”: “Log in with Atlassian account

Please help me resolve it.

Dear @NaveenKumarC ,

Did you specify the body-format parameter? Please refer to earlier posts like this: Confluence Cloud API v2 get page by ID - Empty Body

I hope that helps.
