Not seeing UI Kit 2 option in forge create. Any guidance on what could be wrong?

Not seeing UI Kit 2 option, would you please provide me guidance on what could be wrong?

C:\JIRA-RETROSUIKI2>node --version

C:\JIRA-RETROSUIKI2>forge --version
error: [LaunchDarkly] network error (Error: unable to get local issuer certificate)

C:\JIRA-RETROSUIKI2>forge create
error: [LaunchDarkly] network error (Error: unable to get local issuer certificate)
Creating an app in your current directory:


Press Ctrl+C to cancel.

Name your app. The app name can include dashes, spaces, and underscores.

? Enter a name for your app: test-aws-gcp

Start with a template. Each template contains the required files to be a valid app.

? Select a category: (Use arrow keys)

Show All
Custom UI
Triggers and Validators
UI kit

Make sure you have the latest version of the Forge CLI installed.

For me, the list I see when running forge create:

Show All 
  Custom UI 
  Triggers and Validators 
  UI kit 
  UI kit 2 (Preview) 

Thanks @ rcsr for checking in your environment also.

using latest forge version 7.0.2 and still not seeing the option

C:\JIRA-RETROSUIKI2>forge --version
error: [LaunchDarkly] network error (Error: unable to get local issuer certificate)

What version of node are you using? I believe Node 18 is the recommended version.

C:\JIRA-RETROSUIKI2>node --version