OAuth 1.0 Support, application link creating a jira issue

Receiving the following response when making a request using oauth 1.0:

[request] POST /rest/api/3/issue HTTP/1.1
[response] HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 15Access-Control-Allowed-Origin: * 16Content-Length: 11 17Content-Type: text/plain 18Date: Tue, 01 Nov 2022 00:18:14 GMT 19Server: AtlassianEdge 20Connection: close

This request with the same payload /. user works through basic authentication.

Are there any known issues here? Is Oauth 1.0 supported still?

@MattCohen, welcome to the Atlassian developer community.

No. As stated in the docs:

OAuth 1.0a is a legacy authentication method and, therefore, isn’t recommended. Instead, check out the following for details of the recommended authentication approaches for:

See the about page for more information on the options for developing with Jira Cloud platform.

While it doesn’t exactly say “unsupported”, nobody at Atlassian will provide help. Filling in an opinion the docs lack, I would recommend the OAuth 2.0 (3LO) apps as closest reasonable equivalent.