OAuth error while querying custom entities from Forge Remote

I am accessing Forge Storage from Forge Remote using this GraphQL query:

query forge_app_getApplicationStorageCustomEntities(
		$contextAri: ID!,
		$entityName: String!,
		$indexName: String!,
		$partition: [AppStoredCustomEntityFieldValue!],
		$range: AppStoredCustomEntityRange,
		$filters: AppStoredCustomEntityFilters,
		$sort: SortOrder,
		$cursor: String,
		$limit: Int) {
			contextAri: $contextAri,
			entityName: $entityName,
			indexName: $indexName,
			partition: $partition,
			range: $range,
			filters: $filters,
			sort: $sort,
			cursor: $cursor,
			limit: $limit) {
	 edges {
	   node {
	 pageInfo {

It worked perfectly up until today, but now, with no changes on my part, I’m receiving this error when querying custom entities:

Caused by: org.springframework.graphql.client.FieldAccessException: Invalid field 'appStoredCustomEntities', errors: [{message=Field is not available for OAuth authenticated requests, locations=[], path=[appStoredCustomEntities, edges, node], extensions={errorSource=GRAPHQL_GATEWAY, statusCode=403, agg={severity=NORMAL, ugcPiiSafe=true}, classification=FieldNotExposedForOauth}}]
	at org.springframework.graphql.client.DefaultGraphQlClient$RetrieveSpecSupport.getValidField(DefaultGraphQlClient.java:199) ~[spring-graphql-1.2.6.jar:1.2.6]
	at reactor.core.publisher.Mono.lambda$mapNotNull$25(Mono.java:3503) ~[reactor-core-3.6.5.jar:3.6.5]
	at reactor.core.publisher.FluxHandleFuseable$HandleFuseableSubscriber.onNext(FluxHandleFuseable.java:179) ~[reactor-core-3.6.5.jar:3.6.5]
	... 59 common frames omitted

Did something change on the Forge Storage side?

Hello @Berkayztrk,
we’re checking this issue internally. We’ll update this post when we get more information.
Could you please open the ecohelp ticket (https://ecosystem.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/34) so we can investigate this issue? Please include the app id in the ticket description.

Best regards,

Hi @Berkayztrk, apologies for the inconvenience, there was an issue on our side, we’ve fixed the issue and it should now be working.


I can confirm that the error is gone. Thank you.

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