Oauth vs getting individual user for jira

Im building a internal application for my company which requires me to retrive the boards, issues and get some fields and create a automated report , i will not not be needing anything much.

But here are few things we want to be sure of before we start off

  1. which part of the jira exosystem should i use for the apis i need , got confused by the many that are available

  2. since this is a stand alone appication ( we will not be in atlassian marketplace or anything ) , can we build it

  3. after the api oauth , is it possible for me to identify the user

4 . will i be able to only get the boards that user has access and not show anything else

Welcome to the Atlassian developer community @CHETHANKOTTARI,

I’ll try to answer your questions with an eye to high-level design. Later, when you have had a chance to get some experience, I fully expect you’ll be back needing more details. We’re here to help!

Start with the Jira platform REST APIs that will give you some of the important basics common to all flavors of Jira. For example, you mentioned retrieving issues which you can do in that API both individually and in bulk.

There is a product-specific “layer” of APIs over the platform for Jira Software. It’s where you find those Software-specific concepts like boards. You should know about it, but many developers can get by using only the Jira platform.

Yes. Even if you don’t care about Atlassian Marketplace, Forge is still a great option for in-house developers, so that you don’t have to worry about where the code runs. Forge infrastructure is hosted by Atlassian so it sits with your instance of Jira. You’ll find lots of discussions, documentation, and samples on the Forge path.

But, if you’re really keen to “do it your way”, there’s no reason you can’t write your own scripts or web app in whatever language or framework you desire. While this approach is permitted, there’s less support in terms of examples. It’s assumed that developers know how to consume a REST API.

Our OAuth gateway provides a way to get the user profile that works across all our OAuth-supported products. Or, there is a Jira-specific way to get the current user. I recommend starting with the general, and using the Jira-specific one only if you’re missing something specific to Jira.

Yes. User permissions still apply through the REST API.