Obsolete "getting started" instructions for (Jira) DataCenter development


With the Jira 10, Platform 7 the instructions for getting started with developing apps seems to need some work.

For instance, see: https://developer.atlassian.com/server/framework/atlassian-sdk/set-up-the-atlassian-plugin-sdk-and-build-a-project/

It lists Java 8 as a requirement.

Try something like atlas-create-jira-plugin and you’ll get an app that is for Jira 9 and used h2 which is AFAIK no longer supported.

So how is anyone going to get up and running developing a new app from scratch?



Same issue, now when developing apps for various versions. Do we need to get multiple database created and be used in development. That is a lot of effort. I feel, there should be a much simple solution for local development. I don’t know where to begin with this complication.

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