Official JIRA function in Google sheets return different results than direct Jira JQL

I have configured the Atlassian’s official addon to Google Sheets and Im pulling a JQL similar to:

=JIRA(“filter = 10482 AND Status changed to DONE during (startOfWeek(-1), endOfWeek(-1)) AND Status = DONE”,“key,summary,customfield_10058,priority”,0,100)

and Im getting an expected list of tickets.

Then, I run the same JQL directly in Jira filter = 10482 AND Status changed to DONE during (startOfWeek(-1), endOfWeek(-1)) AND Status = DONE and I get different results than before.

From what I can see the one from Jira is correct (for my perspective). I have the feeling the difference is related to the fact that I’m located in GMT-6 and I think Jira uses GMT. Somehow the DURING function is handling the date/times incorrectly in Gsheets or at least differently in Jira and Gsheet. I would love to see the SAME info returned in Jira in Gsheets or at least have the same information.

Has anyone hit this kind of issue before? Any suggestions to fix it?

Thanks in advance!