Page layout Examples - Codesandbox link doesn't work


all the links on the page to launch CodeSandbox don’t work.
Result is always “Sandbox not found”.

Pls. have a look at it.


Hi @DevelopMgr. I was also having problems, but it was due to pop-up windows being blocked. After allowing pop-ups, I was able to get the sandbox to run in both Chrome and Safari. Now, I did notice that if I try to launch multiple sandboxes, I do often see an error page. Workaround was to close out all other tabs with and retry (had to retry twice this last time).

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Yeah, Neil stumbled upon the workaround. @DevelopMgr after doing some debugging, it appears there’s something of a race condition going on with how we create this Codesandbox and send you to the link as I see this happening across many examples. It’s unclear where this error is coming from as I believe the code that controls this exists on the Codesandbox side of it, but I’ve reported it to the team.

The full workaround (assuming you allow popups and all that, which will also cause issues) looks like if you just click it twice it will always work. First time you might get sent to an …/sandbox/undefined path (some examples seem to break more than others), while the second time I almost always get sent to …/sandbox/7r93cr for example.


Thanks, @nmansilla , @KylorHall for your fast reply!

Your workaround (allowing pop-ups to works for me.
I also need sometimes 2 attempts. :smile:

BTW: sometimes it worked also before, when I pressed the “SHOW MORE” button of the relevant item.
On other pages of Overview - Brand - Atlassian Design System I never had this behavior.