Pattern for IDs is wrong

All of the IDs in the docs show ^[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$. From what I can tell, the IDs are all 24 chars long, not 32.

Good catch. I’ll update it to 24!

What happened to the “help us make this page better” option? Seems like the latest iteration of the docs left that out. There are quite a few other issues I’ve found, and it’d be easier to simply identify them in place.

I’m trying to figure out when/why that changed (catching up from being OOO).

It appears that you can still leave feedback after you select a star rating. That will make it to us still if you want to use it.

But if you’d prefer happy to have you drop a laundry list here.

Thanks for helping us fix mistakes and make the docs better!

I really miss the Slack workspace, @bentley