Hi there,
I am trying to check if a user has a View-permission on a page and it isn’t working as documented.
Here is an example code with the issue:
Optional<Content> page = contentService.find()
if (page.isPresent()) {
try {
ConfluenceUser user = AuthenticatedUserThreadLocal.get();
boolean hasPerm = permissionManager.hasPermission(getSessionUser(),
Permission.VIEW, page.get());
//....other code here continues with admin-user, no problem...
} catch (Exception e) {
// but with non-admin user we always end up here?!??
// etc
I have two users in my local Confluence test server, admin and tester. With admin this works fine, and hasPerm gets value “true” when this is tested on a page that the admin has created on his space. I guess admin has always VIEW permission everywhere so that’s to be expected I guess.
However, when I log in as the “tester”-user and I create a space and a new page, then this code always fails, the hasPermission-call always throws this exception (that is btw NOT documented in the API doc…):
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not check permissions for
Content{id='ContentId{id=7471109}', type=page, title='Test Page',
status=current, space=CollapsedReference{idProperties={key=TST},
referentClass=class com.atlassian.confluence.api.model.content.Space},
{idProperties={id=ContentId{id=7471109}, version=CollapsedReference
{idProperties={number=2}, referentClass=class com.atlassian.confluence.api
.model.content.Version}, status=current}, referentClass=class
com.atlassian.confluence.api.model.content.Content}}, referentClass=class
com.atlassian.confluence.api.model.content.History}, version=
CollapsedReference{idProperties={number=2}, referentClass=class com.atlassian.confluence.api.model.content.Version},
ancestors=null (CollapsedList), container=CollapsedReference
{idProperties={key=TST}, referentClass=class com.atlassian.confluence.api
.model.content.Space}} no suitable delegate found.
I’ve checked that user and page both are what I expect them to be, correct logged in user and correct page. However, this error always happens for non-admin user.
This is what I try to follow: How do I tell if a user has permission to...?
and permissionManager is an injected component of type:
What might the problem be and how do I fix it? Or should I use some other way to check for View-permission on a page for admin/non-admin users?
In my Atlassian-plugin.xml I’m importing the permissionManager like this:
<component-import name="component-import" key="permissionManager"
And that gets injected to my permissionManager, otherwise I would get null pointer exception from that code snippet even with the admin user.
Ok, I just noticed that one should get the current user like this:
Optional<ConfluenceUser> confluenceUser = AuthenticatedUserAccessor.get();
However, I’m, using Confluence 7.13.1 as my local Server and I don’t see this AuthenticatedUserAccessor-class there at all, there is only the AuthenticatedUserThreadLocal inside the com.gliffy.atlassian.user-package.
So not really sure where would I get the AuthenticatedUserAccessor-class…
- Petri