Please reduce the UI Kit package size

I just installed the @forge/react (10.9.0) and @forge/bridge (4.2.0) packages for a UI Kit app and was surprised by the package size. The @atlaskit dependencies are about 1.3 GB.

The node_modules directory contains four duplicates of the TypeScript compiler and 59 (!) duplicates of the @atlaskit/tokens package (totaling 826 MB). The token duplicates may be due to a version conflict, but the TypeScript compiler should probably not be included at all, as it’s usually a devDependency.

It would be great if the amount of redundant dependencies could be reduced to shorten the installation time and reduce the amount of disk space required for UI Kit projects.


@klaussner thanks for bringing this to our attention.

Your feedback here has been shared with the Forge UI team, but you’re also welcome to raise a suggestion ticket over in the Forge project on


Thank you, @mpaisley! I wasn’t sure where to report this because one of the issues I’m following in FRGE was closed recently with this comment:

[…] We are no longer creating bug/suggestion requests in the FRGE project. Instead, we’re gradually moving all existing open tickets to JAC. Using JAC as our primary bug tracking system allows all our developers, partners and customers to easily find and track bugs/suggestions in one centralized location.

Is FRGE still the right place for suggestions like this?

Hey @klaussner hmm, that I’ll have to look into and get back to you.

In the interim, the Forge UI team have added a ticket to their internal backlog to investigate.

They have also said

important to note that this is only the local installation size, this is not reflected on the actual runtime bundle size which is very minimal

But i have clarified that you would like to reduce the amount of disk space / installation time when working on your ui kit projects.

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