Polling of base-url by Atlassian

some months ago, we’ve done a change of base-url for our connect app. Everything went fine. We now have a question: the old base-url is still checked by Atlassian with the Marketplace bot. The Marketplace bot provides this header:

Marketplacebot (+https://developer.atlassian.com/static/connect/docs/developing/upgrades.html)

However the link provided is invalid.
The old base-url is also still polled by the Atlassian security tester:

CSRT (github.com/atlassian-labs/connect-security-req-tester)

Our question is:
Can we remove the old bese-url (i.e. the old subdomain)? We believe it’s better to not keep old, and possibly stale versions online.

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Hi @marc ,

I suspect one or more old versions of your app with the original base URL are still in operation. The Get app active installations (by major application version) should help determine if this is the case.


Hi @dmorrow ,
Thanks for the fast reply!
The recommended endpoint and https://developer.atlassian.com/platform/marketplace/rest/v2/api-group-apps/#api-addons-addonkey-distribution-application-version-get just give


as output (for different apps).
Not sure what happens.

Hi @marc ,

I’m sorry that didn’t help. I tested that endpoint against an app I built and it also returns an empty array so I’m not sure what’s going on there.

I think the best way forward would be for you to create an issue for the Marketplace Support team to help resolve this.



After opening a support ticket, it became clear that the following caused the behaviour:

  • atlassian-connect.json had a new baseUrl
  • the descriptor in the marketplace listing for the latest still pointed to https://OLDURL.addon.com/atlassian-connect.json

This was corrected by manually updating the the descriptor and releasing a new version directly from the Marketplace UI.