POST /rest/devinfo/0.10/bulk: preventTransitions parameter doesn't work properly when it's true

We use POST /rest/devinfo/0.10/bulk API in our plugin with the parameter preventTransitions. It should help to prevent smart commits execution. But whether preventTransitions is set to true or false, smart commits are processed.
Is it a bug or is there something else we should do to prevent execution?

Welcome to the Atlassian developer community @MarinaGaneeva,

That’s a bug according to the spec:

Flag to prevent automatic issue transitions and smart commits being fired, default is false.

Please report the bug through developer support. If they issue you a bug issue key, please let us know here so others with the same problem can watch, vote, and comment.

Edit: fixed link to dev support.

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through developer support.

This link leads to API documentation. Could you give a link to developer support please?