Power-Up Developers: changes in the way we communicate with you

Hi Power-Up developers!

What you need to do

Make sure that your Power-Up collaborators information is up-to-date! You can modify collaborators on the Power-Ups admin panel under the ‘Collaborators’ tab.

What are we doing?

Going forward, when Atlassian receives communication regarding your public Power-Up, we will create a Jira ticket and add every collaborator that has been added to your Power-Up. This will include Workspace admins as well as Workspace members that you added manually. Remember, you and your collaborators already have Atlassian Accounts by virtue of being Trello users!

Why is this change happening?

We want to open up a more reliable method of communication between our security team and Power-Up developers. Currently, we only ask for an Email for our contact information, and a Support Contact email/link when the Power-Up is made public. This has created many inefficiencies when it comes to reaching out to developers, specifically regarding security tickets.

Since these emails aren’t necessarily tied to an Atlassian Account, there may not even be a person behind a Power-Up :scream:. We can’t reliably tag developers in our Jira tickets, so we don’t have a way to track progress outside of an email chain, and many of our attempts to contact a support email go unanswered.

In effect, we’re asking public Power-Ups to have associated Atlassian Account/s, which will make our third-party security processes faster and more secure.

Thanks for all your efforts making Trello awesome, and thanks in advance for your cooperation!