I have come across an issue while working on project import. We have Active Object tables which we want exported/imported in Jira. We noticed that our String fields are not properly decoded from the backup, resulting in importing a different string value than what was exported.
Jira uses StaxUtils.encode to encode the AO tables in the StaxStreamWriter, when building the backup file. (activeobjects-plugin library)
But during Project import, Jira uses XMLEscapeUtil.decode in the ChainedAoSaxHandler which doesn’t decode using the same process. (jira-core)
This discrepancy results in, for instance, backslashes \
inside a string column to be imported back as two backslashes \\
Any help understanding if this is an oversight and what should be done is appreciated. I am reluctant to replace the string manually myself, as Atlassian should fix the issue.