Is there a reason why this new product event does not contain changes to the time tracking configuration?
We currently need to copy these settings to our app properties to be able to use them in jira expressions and this event would help us to make it more reliable. As an alternative it would be great to have access to these properties using jira expressions
Using " Time tracking provider events" is currently out of question as it would require us to release a major change version and we don’t actually want to “manage:jira-configuration”
Thank you for identifying this behavior and sharing your valuable feedback.
We have already updated the documentation to address the issue. Specifically, there was a missing granular scope in the documentation: the event avi:jira:timetracking:provider:changed
alternatively requires read:issue.time-tracking:jira.
Please let us know if this resolves your concerns. Thank you!
Thank you looking into this, unfortunately I made a mistake while testing the event “avi:jira:timetracking:provider:changed” for our use case.
It turned out that I made a wrong assumption while testing all sort of events and this event is actually not triggered when time tracking settings are changed (hours per day etc)
This is what we actually wanted to achieve and as far as I can tell is still not possible as of now:
- watch on an event when the time tracking settings are changed (hours per day, days per week, time format etc.)
our current workaround is the following
- Scheduled trigger once an hour to sync the time tracking settings
- Forge Backend Invoke when the user starts to edit one of our custom fields which depends on the time tracking settings