Realm migration for Connect apps is now in Preview

Hi all,

We just announced the Preview release for realm migration for Connect apps.

This means that the realm migration service and associated APIs are available for production use, and that a 1-3 month deprecation period and notice will be provided for any breaking changes that may be introduced.

Partners with Connect apps that store data outside of Atlassian are encouraged to start supporting realm migration on production.

You can find instructions and documentation here.

Hi all,

We just announced the 100% rollout of a new customer-facing UI for app data residency.

Many customers see data residency as a critical feature for apps, as it can help them meet regulatory and compliance obligations, and protect their data by keeping it in a region they trust. With this new app-specific interface in customers will be able to:

  • see more information about the data residency offering of their installed apps, and
  • request app data be moved to the same region as the parent product for apps that support realm migration and pinning in that region

… all in the same place where they manage data residency options for Jira and Confluence.

When we initially announced this UI, we heard from many of you that your apps do not store data outside of the parent product and therefore do not need to pin or move data. In order to give customers more of this context, we’ve also added links to the Privacy & Security tab for apps that appear “not eligible” to move data to the same region as the parent product. If you would like to make sure customers have this context, please be sure to have up-to-date information in your Privacy & Security tab.

Partners with Connect apps that store data outside of Atlassian are encouraged to start supporting data residency for customers in supported regions. You can find instructions and documentation here.


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